GP8 - Recover a backup of your Guitar Pro 8 files


If unfortunately Guitar Pro 8 closed before you had the opportunity to save your work in progress, there is a good chance you'll be able to recover a backup of your file as explained in this article. 



Copy and paste the following address into Windows file explorer as illustrated below.

%LocalAppData%\Arobas Music\guitarpro8\


Capture d’écran 2024-09-17 à 10.02.46.png



More than likely a backup of your file will be available from the "Autobackups" folder.


Make sure to remove the .bak extension in the file name to be able to open your file.
Keep .gp as extension.

Feel free to check the "backups" folder as well.


Open your Finder

Select the Go menu

Select Go to Folder

Copy and paste: ~/Library/Application Support/Arobas Music/guitarpro8

Check the backups and autobackups folders

Make sure to remove the .bak extension in the file name to be able to open your file.
Keep .gp as extension.