GP6 - Update Guitar Pro 6 using the updater [recommended]


Update for Windows

Start your Guitar Pro application. Roll down the menu "Guitar Pro", then select "Launch Updater".



In the window "Guitar Pro updates", select the elements you wish to install.



Each element of the update can be selected/deselected. The window gives you the details for every item added, fixed, or improved. Then click on "Install".


In some rare occasions your resident protection, network or proxy can prevent you from downloading the update or soundbanks successfully, if for any reason you can not install the sound banks from the updater, you can still download the soundbanks directly from this link.


Update for Mac OS X

 Start your Guitar Pro application. Roll down the menu "Guitar Pro", then select "Launch Updater".



In the window "Guitar Pro updates", select the elements you wish to install.



Each element of the update can be selected/deselected. The window gives you the details for every item added, fixed, or improved. Then click on "Install".


In some rare occasions your resident protection, network or proxy can prevent you from downloading the update or soundbanks successfully, if for any reason you can not install the sound banks from the updater, you can still download the soundbanks directly from this link.