mSB - Where do I find the music scores I bought?


From Guitar Pro 8 and Guitar Pro 7.6: 

Connect to your mySongBook account from the Guitar Pro 8 software homepage and retrieve your purchased tabs from the mySongBook entry. 


Access your mySongBook purchases directly from this window and / or  browse the entire catalog. 

Titles you already purchased will appear with a small check mark ☑️ to the right of the list.

You also have the possibility to display your purchases only by selecting My Purchases from the Categories list. 



From the Guitar Pro wesbite:

Simply connect to your Guitar Pro account and access the list of your purchased scores and subscription status from the mySongBook section.


Note that only the scores you purchased using credits will appear in this section. 
If you purchased some mySongBook scores from the former mySongBook website, they won't be listed on the Guitar Pro website but will be available from Guitar Pro 8 or 7 as previously explained.


From the Guitar Pro mobile application

  • Open the Guitar Pro Mobile application 
  • Select the Locations icon from the bottom of your screen
  • Connect to your mySongBook account




You can now access your favorites and purchased tabs, they will be listed from this window.