GP6 MAC - How to install the RSE soundbanks


The RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) technology includes the realistic studio recordings of instruments, as well as some effect modelisations that are the result of years of research.
You'll get access to over a hundred soundbanks, and over fifty effects pedals and amps. 

The RSE soundbanks can be easily installed two ways.



Using the built in Updater:

The computer on which you use Guitar Pro is Internet-connected.

Start your Guitar Pro application. Roll down the menu "Guitar Pro", then select "Launch Updater".


In the window "Guitar Pro updates", select the elements you wish to install.

Each element of the update can be selected/deselected. The window gives you the details for every item added, fixed, or improved. Then click on "Install".



Download the soundbanks manually

You can download the RSE soundbanks directly from this link.

If the computer on which Guitar Pro is installed is not connected to the Internet and you can get online by way of another computer, please proceed to the installation as described below.

Start Guitar Pro. In the menu "File", choose "Open".


Select the soundbank file and click on "Open".


A window warns you that you must restart Guitar Pro 6 once the soundbanks have been installed. Do not restart Guitar Pro 6 while the soundbanks are being installed.


Installation starts.


The soundbank installer checks the integrity of the files installed.


The installation is successful. Do not forget to restart Guitar Pro 6.