GP6 WIN - Erratic behaviors since Windows 10

If you have updated your Windows computer to Windows 10 recently, you may have experienced some erratic behaviors using Guitar Pro 6 such as:

  • The text “Font Missing” appearing on your screen across your score
  • The software crashes randomly or immediately during start up
  • Poor performance.

If you have experienced any of these issues lately, your installation has probably been corrupted by the update of your computer.

How do I fix this problem?

  • Restart your computer
  • Do not open Guitar Pro 6 once your computer has restarted
  • Download the GP6 Cleaner file for Windows 10
  • Run the file using right-click > “Run as an administrator”
  • Start Guitar Pro 6 and re-enter your license information


If your problem persists once you have taken these steps, feel free to contact our support.