Guitar Pro 7 for macOS and Windows.
First make sure that you installed Guitar Pro 7 latest version from either the Help or Guitar Pro 7 menu.
Make sure that your printer is not low on ink.
- Close Guitar Pro 7.6
- Open your Terminal Application (Access from Finder > Applications> Utilities > Terminal)
- Copy and paste this entire command line:
/Applications/Guitar\ Pro\ --stafflineThicknessPrintFactor 100
- For a brighter printing, change the 100 value for a lower value up to 1
Example: /Applications/Guitar\ Pro\ --stafflineThicknessPrintFactor 33
- For a bolder printing, change the 100 value for a different value up to 200
Example: /Applications/Guitar\ Pro\ --stafflineThicknessPrintFactor 200
- Close Guitar Pro 7.6
- Open the Command Prompt application
- Copy and paste this entire command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arobas Music\Guitar Pro 7\GuitarPro7.exe" --stafflineThicknessPrintFactor 100 --console
- For a brighter printing, change the 100 value for a lower value up to 1
Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arobas Music\Guitar Pro 7\GuitarPro7.exe" --stafflineThicknessPrintFactor 33 --console
- For a bolder printing, change the 100 value for a different value up to 200
Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arobas Music\Guitar Pro 7\GuitarPro7.exe" --stafflineThicknessPrintFactor 200 --console
Note: this is a one time operation. 100 is the default value but you can put any value between 1 and 200 until you reach the right printing.