Here is the list of the main keyboard shortcuts available in Guitar Pro 7.6:
Action | Shortcut |
Add Track | ⌥⌘N / Ctrl+Shift+Ins |
All-Track Copy | ⇧⌘C / Ctrl+Shift+C |
All-Track Cut | ⇧⌘X / Ctrl+Shift+X |
Arpeggio Down | ⇧⌘D / Ctrl+Shift+D |
Arpeggio Up | ⇧⌘U / Ctrl+Shift+U |
Artificial Harmonic | ⌥Y / Ctrl+Alt+Y |
Barre | ⇧I / Shift+I |
Barre de Vibrato | ⇧W / Shift+W |
Bend | B |
Brush Down | ⌘D / Ctrl+D |
Brush Up | ⌘U / Ctrl+U |
Change Accidental | ⌥⌘8 / Ctrl+Alt+8 |
Chord | A |
Close All Files | ⇧⌘W / Ctrl+Shift+W |
Close File | ⌘W / Ctrl+W |
Copy | ⌘C / Ctrl+C |
Copy Last Beat | C |
Cut | ⌘X / Ctrl+X |
Dead Note | X |
Decrease Note Duration | + / = |
Delete | ⌦ / Ctrl+Shift+Del |
Delete Bar | ⌃- / Ctrl+Del |
Delete Note | ⌫ / Backspace |
Delete the Beats | ⌘- / Shift+Del |
Delete Track | ⌥⌘R / Del |
Design Mode | ⌃⌥D / Ctrl+Alt+D |
Directions | D |
Dotting | . / ⇧. / Shift+. |
Double Dotting | ⌘. / ⌘* / Ctrl+. / Ctrl+* |
Double Flat | ⌥⌘7 / Ctrl+Alt+7 |
Double Sharp | ⌥⌘9 / Ctrl+Alt+9 |
Edit Automations | F10 |
Edit Section | ⌥⌘+ / Shift+Ins |
Edit Voice 1 | ⌘1 / Ctrl+1 |
Edit Voice 2 | ⌘2 / Ctrl+2 |
Edit Voice 3 | ⌘3 / Ctrl+3 |
Edit Voice 4 | ⌘4 / Ctrl+4 |
Exit full screen mode | Esc |
Fade In | < |
Fade Out | > |
Fast Forward | ⌘→ / Ctrl+Right |
Fermata | F |
Flat | ⌘7 / Ctrl+7 |
Force Break Line | ⌘↵ / Ctrl+Return |
Forward | ⌥→ / Alt+Right |
Free Time | |
Full Screen | F11 |
Ghost Note | O |
Go To | ⌘G / Ctrl+G |
Grace note(s) before the beat | G |
Grace note(s) on beat | ⌥G / Ctrl+Alt+G |
Hammer On / Pull Off | H |
Heavily Accented Note | : |
Increase Note Duration | - / _ |
Insert a Beat | ⌃+ / Ctrl+Ins |
Insert Bar | ⌘+ / Ins |
Key | K |
Key signature | ⌘K / Ctrl+K |
Last Bar | ⌘↘ / Ctrl+End |
Left Hand Tapping | ( / ⇧( / ( / Shift+( |
Left Hand Vibrato (Slight) | V |
Legato | ⇧H / Shift+H |
Legato Slide | S |
Let Ring | I |
Move Cursor To: Beginning Of Bar | ↖ / Home |
Move Cursor To: First Bar | ⌘↖ / Ctrl+Home |
Move Cursor To: Last Bar | ↘ / End |
Move Cursor To: Next Beat | → / Right |
Move Cursor To: Next Line | ↓ / Down |
Move Cursor To: Next Staff | ⇥ / Tab |
Move Cursor To: Previous Beat | ← / Left |
Move Cursor To: Previous Line | ↑ / Up |
Move Cursor To: Previous Staff | ⇤ / ⇧⇥ / Backtab / Shift+Tab |
Move Down | ⌥↓ / Alt+Down |
Move down | ⌥⌘↓ / Ctrl+Alt+Down |
Move Up | ⌥↑ / Alt+Up |
Move Up | ⌥⌘↑ / Ctrl+Alt+Up |
Move Voice | ⌥1 / Alt+4 |
Move Voice | ⌥2 / Alt+2 |
Move Voice | ⌥3 / Alt+3 |
Move Voice | ⌥4 / Alt+1 |
Multirest | ⌘R / Ctrl+R |
Multitrack | F3 |
Multivoice edition | ⌘M / Ctrl+M |
Natural | ⌘8 / Ctrl+8 |
Natural Harmonic | Y |
New File | ⌘N / Ctrl+N |
Next Section | ⌥⌘→ / Ctrl+Alt+Right |
Next Tab | ⌃⇥ / Ctrl+Tab |
Next Track | ⌘↓ / Ctrl+Down |
Note accented | ; |
One semitone down | ⌥⇧↓ / Alt+Shift+Down |
One semitone up | ⌥⇧↑ / Alt+Shift+Up |
Open File | ⌘O / Ctrl+O |
Palm Mute On Beat | ⇧P / Shift+P |
Palm Mute On Note | P |
Paste | ⌘V / Ctrl+V |
PickStroke Down | ⇧D / Shift+D |
PickStroke Up | ⇧U / Shift+U |
Play From The Beginning | ⇧Space / Ctrl+Space |
Play/Pause | Space |
Preferences | ⌘, / Ctrl+, |
Prevent Break Line | & / ⇧& / Shift+& |
Previous Section | ⌥⌘← / Ctrl+Alt+Left |
Previous Tab | ⌃⇧⇤ / Ctrl+Shift+Tab / Ctrl+Backtab |
Previous Track | ⌘↑ / Ctrl+Up |
⌘P / Ctrl+P | |
Quit | ⌥F4 / Alt+F4 |
Rasgueado | ⇧R / Shift+R |
Redo | ⇧⌘Z / Ctrl+Y |
Relative Speed | ⌘F9 / Ctrl+F9 |
Repeat Close | ] |
Repeat One Bar | % / ⇧% / Shift+% |
Repeat Open | [ / ⇧[ / [ / Shift+[ |
Repeat two Bars | ⌘% / ⇧⌘% Ctrl+% / Ctrl+Shift+% |
Rest | R |
Rewind | ⌘← / Ctrl+Left |
Save | ⌘S / Ctrl+S |
Save As | ⇧⌘S / Ctrl+Shift+S |
Score Stylesheet | F7 |
Select All | ⌘A / Ctrl+A |
Select Beat | ⇧↑ / ⇧↓ / Shift+Up / Shift+Down |
Sélection Until First Bar | ⇧⌘↖ / Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Sélection Until First Beat | ⇧↖ / Shift+Home |
Sélection Until Last Beat | ⇧↘ / Shift+End |
Sélection Until Next Bar | ⇧⌘→ / Ctrl+Shift+Right |
Sélection Until Next Beat | ⇧→ / Shift+Right |
Sélection Until Previous Bar | ⇧⌘← / Ctrl+Shift+Left |
SélectionUntil Last Bar | ⇧⌘↘ / Ctrl+Shift+End |
SélectionUntil Previous Beat | ⇧← / Shift+Left |
Sharp | ⌘9 / Ctrl+9 |
Shift Slide | ⌥S / Ctrl+Alt+S |
Show/Hide Global View | F8 |
Show/Hide Instrument View | ⌘F6 / Ctrl+F6 |
Show/Hide Palette | F2 |
Show/Hide Song Inspector | F5 |
Show/Hide Track Inspector | F6 |
Slap | $ |
Special Paste | ⇧⌘V / Ctrl+Shift+V |
Staccato | ! |
Step Backward | ⌥← / Alt+Left |
Tapping | ) |
Text | T |
Tie Beat | ⇧L / Shift+L |
Tie Note | L |
Time Signature | ⌘T / Ctrl+T |
Timer | @ |
Toggle Loop | F9 |
Tremolo Bar | ⌥V / Ctrl+Alt+V |
Tremolo Picking (32th note) | " / ⇧" |
Trill | N |
Triolet | / / ⇧/ / Shift+/ |
Triplet Feel | ⌘/ / ⇧⌘/ Ctrl+/ / Ctrl+Shift+/ |
Type Note | ⌤ / ↵ / Enter /Return |
Undo | ⌘Z / Ctrl+Z |
Vérifier La Durée Des Mesures | F4 |
Vibrato with tremolo bar (Slight) | W |
Vibrato with tremolo bar (Wide) | ⌥W / Ctrl+Alt+W |
Volume Swell | ⌥< / ⌥> Alt+< / Alt+> |
Wah Close | ⌥C / Ctrl+Alt+C |
Wah Open | ⌥O / Ctrl+Alt+O |
Zoom In | ⌘> / Ctrl++ / Ctrl+Shift++ |
Zoom Out | ⌘< / Ctrl+- |