GP8 - No sound during playback with Guitar Pro 8


1/ Install the RSE soundbanks

Launch the Guitar Pro 8 installer again and make sure to select the Soundbanks box during the installation process as shown below.

Capture d’écran 2024-05-24 à 14.22.44.png

You can download Guitar Pro 8 from your Guitar Pro account, or use these alternative links if necessary. 

2/ Select the right audio settings from the Guitar Pro preferences.

Access the Guitar Pro 8 Preferences from the:

File > Preferences > Audio / MIDI menu (Windows)
Guitar Pro 8  > Preferences > Audio / MIDI menu (macOS)

And make sure to select the right Device and Audio output / input based on your current installation and configuration.

Capture d’écran 2024-05-24 à 14.11.11.png


3/ Reset the Guitar Pro 8 preferences

Windows users

  • Quit Guitar Pro
  • Press Windows+X to open the Power Users menu
  • Open Command Prompt (not PowerShell)
  • Copy and paste the following command (make sure to include all the characters) :​
"C:\Program Files\Arobas Music\Guitar Pro 8\GuitarPro.exe" --reset
  • Hit enter to execute

macOS users

  • Quit Guitar Pro 8
  • Open the Terminal application of your Mac (Finder > Application > Utilities)
  • Copy and paste this command:
/Applications/Guitar\ Pro\ 8.app/Contents/MacOS/GuitarPro --reset


Other ressources 💡
These related articles might be helpful as well.
No playback with Guitar Pro 8 (Windows only)
Distorted playback or poor sound quality with Guitar Pro 8