mSB - Open and play a mySongBook score


You can open and play mySongBook scores from Guitar Pro 8 or Guitar Pro 7.6 that you can use as a free player.

Follow these few steps in order to open a mySongBook score in Guitar Pro 8.

Open Guitar Pro 8 and select the mySongBook entry.
Select the Sign In to mySongBook… option as shown below:



Enter both the email address and password of your mySongBook account.



Access your mySongBook purchases directly from this window and / or  browse the entire catalog. 

Titles you already purchased will appear with a small check mark ☑️ to the right of the list.

You also have the possibility to display your purchases only by selecting My Purchases from the Categories list. 




Select one of your purchased tabs or select any available titles from the All Tabs list if you already purchased a mySongBook subscription.

This title will open in Guitar Pro 8.

Note that you can purchase any title using one of your credits as shown below.
Select one of the available title and select the ➕ sign, then choose "Buy for 1 credit(s)"


If you run out of credits you will be invited to top up your account. You can also buy mySongBook credits from this link.