GP6 Video tutorials
- Video - GP6 basics: Introducing Guitar Pro 6
- Video - GP6 basics: Guitar Pro 6 Interface
- Video - GP6 basics: Guitar Pro 6 Playback options
- Video - GP6 basics: GP6 Navigation
- Video - GP6 editing: Creating a New Project
- Video - GP6 editing: Managing New Tracks
- Video - GP6 editing: Tuning options
- Video - GP6 editing: Copy / Paste
- Video - GP6 editing: Create a drum track
- Video - GP6 editing: Enter notes
- Video - GP6 editing: Editing panel
- Video - GP6 editing: Multiple voice edition
- Video - GP6 editing: Lyrics panel
- Video - GP6 arrangements: Organize bars
- Video - GP6 arrangements: Automations
- Video - GP6 arrangements: Effect variations
- Video - GP6 arrangements: Stylesheet
- Video - GP6 arrangements: Change views
- Video - GP6 mixing options: Sound options
- Video - GP6 mixing options: Mixing table
- Video - GP6 mixing options: Mastering
- Video - GP6 tools: Write chords
- Video - GP6 tools: Scales tool
- Video - GP6 tools: Useful tools
- Video - From Guitar Pro 5 to Guitar Pro 6: Change sound settings
- Video - From Guitar Pro 5 to Guitar Pro 6: Tablatures for fretless instruments
- Video - From Guitar Pro 5 to Guitar Pro 6: Manage automations
- Video - From Guitar Pro 5 to Guitar Pro 6: Piano view
- Video - From Guitar Pro 5 to Guitar Pro 6: Drum notation